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Coins of ancient Arab-Bizantine

Pseudo-Byzantine type (no mint)
AE Fals
Foss No. 5 type; SICA 507 variant (type C) (?)
20 x 19 mm.
2.74 gm.
Die position=8h
Obverse: Two standing figures.
Reverse: Large 'M'
Bust Type (645 - 647)

Pseudo-Byzantine type (no mint)
AE Fals
Foss No. 7 type; SICA 530 variant (type I) (?)
25 x 20 mm.
4.40 gm.
Die position=8h
Obverse: Imitative of Constans II. Pseudo-Pahlavi inscription.
Reverse: Large 'M'

The Imitative Coinage (647 - c. 670)

Close Imitations

Poor Imitations

Pseudo-Byzantine type (no mint)
AE Fals
SICA I 515 (type E)
21 mm.
1.55 gm.
Die position=6h
Obverse: Standing emperor.
Reverse: Large 'm'

Pseudo-Byzantine type (no mint)
AE Fals
SICA I 522 (?) (type E)
18 x 21 mm.
3.42 gm.
Die position=3h
Obverse: Standing emperor.
Reverse: Large 'm'

Pseudo-Byzantine type (no mint)
AE Fals
SICA I 526-527 (?) (type F)
25 mm.
5.23 gm.
Die position=12h
Obverse: Standing emperor.
Reverse: Large 'M'
"ΛITOIE" Type "Lazy B" Type

The Derivative Coinage

Dateable Type: "Year 20" Reverse

Undated: Single Military Figure "Lazy S" De-Christianized Types

Types with Arabic Legends Muhammad Type Al-Wafa Lillah Type Countermarked Types Anomalous Types

The Caliphate of Mu'awiya (660 - 680)

Late Byzantine Types

Gold Issues (c. 660 (?))

The First Bilingual Series



Emesa/Hims mint
AE Fals
SICA I 531-537 (Type VI Standing Emperor)
19 x 20 mm.
3.31 gm.
Die position=7h
Obverse: Standing emperor; bism allah "in the name of God"
Reverse: Large 'M'; in exergue: tayyib "good"

Emesa/Hims mint
AE Fals
SICA I 531-537 (Type VI Standing Emperor)
19 mm.
4.47 gm.
Die position=11h
Obverse: Standing emperor; bism allah "in the name of God"
Reverse: Large 'M'; in exergue: tayyib "good"

Emesa/Hims mint
AE Fals
SICA I 531-537 (Type VI Standing Emperor)
21 mm.
3.91 gm.
Die position=5h
Obverse: Standing emperor.
Reverse: Large 'M'
Note: No inscription on left obverse (?)

Jerusalem Diospolis (Ludd) Tiberias

The Main Bilingual Series: Jund of Damascus


Damascus mint
AE Fals
SICA I 566-572 type
22 mm.
4.09 gm.
Die position=8h
Obverse: Standing imperial figure; ✸ in right field.
Reverse: Large 'M'; ☧ above, ✸ (?) below. Arabic inscription.


"Pseudo-Damascus" mint
AE Fals
SICA I 580 (Type VI Standing Emperor)
19 mm.
4.59 gm.
Die position=4h
Obverse: Standing emperor.
Reverse: Large 'm' with ✶ between uprights.

"Pseudo-Damascus" mint
AE Fals
SICA I 577v. (Type VI Standing Emperor)
20 mm.
3.03 gm.
Die position=6h
Obverse: Standing emperor.
Reverse: Large 'M'


Heliopolis/Baalbek mint
AE Fals
SICA I 583 (Type V Two Standing Imperial Figures)
21 x 19 mm.
3.77 gm.
Die position=6h
Obverse: Two standing figures.
Reverse: Large 'M', cross above.

Heliopolis/Baalbek mint
AE Fals
SICA I 583 (Type V Two Standing Imperial Figures)
20 x 21 mm.
5.13 gm.
Die position=8h
Obverse: Two standing figures.
Reverse: Large 'M'

The Main Bilingual Series: Jund of Hims


Emesa/Hims mint
AE Fals
SICA I 543-547 (Type VII Imperial Bust)
21 mm.
4.07 gm.
Die position=6h
Obverse: Imperial bust.
Reverse: Large 'm', ✸ between 2 pellets above. In exergue: tayyib "good"

Emesa/Hims mint
AE Fals
SICA I 543-547 (Type VII Imperial Bust)
21 mm.
4.50 gm.
Die position=5h
Obverse: Imperial bust.
Reverse: Large 'm', ✸ between 2 pellets above. In exergue: tayyib "good"

Emesa/Hims mint
AE Fals
SICA I 543-547 (Type VII Imperial Bust)
18 x 17 mm.
3.27 gm.
Die position=11h
Obverse: Imperial bust.
Reverse: Large 'm', ✸ between 2 pellets above. In exergue: tayyib "good"

Emesa/Hims mint
AE Fals
SICA I 543-547 (Type VII Imperial Bust)
21 mm.
2.07 gm.
Die position=11h
Obverse: Imperial bust.
Reverse: Large 'm', ✸ between 2 pellets above. In exergue: tayyib "good"

Emesa/Hims mint
AE Fals
SICA I 543-547 (Type VII Imperial Bust)
20 x 21 mm.
3.13 gm.
Die position=7h
Obverse: Imperial bust.
Reverse: Large 'm', ✸ between 2 pellets above. In exergue: tayyib "good"

Emesa/Hims mint
AE Fals
SICA I 543-547 (Type VII Imperial Bust)
19 x 20 mm.
3.73 gm.
Die position=11h
Obverse: Imperial bust.
Reverse: Large 'm', ✸ between 2 pellets above. In exergue: tayyib "good"

The Main Bilingual Series: Jund of Jordan

Tiberias/Tabariya mint
AE Fals
SICA I 588-591 (Type III Three Standing Imperial Figures)
19 x 17 mm.
3.75 gm.
Die position=6h
Obverse: Three standing figures.
Reverse: Large M, cross above. Legend in left field; THBEP = Tiberias
Note: Possible imitation.

Scythopolis/Baisan Gerasa/Jerash Abila (?)


The Civil Wars (680 - 692)


The Caliphate of Abd Al-Malik (685 - 705)

Accession Issue (Gerasa/Jerash probable mint)

Issues of the First Years of the Reigh (c. 685 - 688) Tiberias/Tabariya Baisan

Without Mintmarks or Caliph's Name Tabariya (probable mint)

With Name of Abd Al-Malik, No Mintmark Amman (probable mint)

'Experimental' Types

The Standing Caliph Coinage: Anonymous Types

The Standing Caliph Coinage: Muhammad Types: Jund of Palestine

Jerusalem (Iliya)

Jerusalem/Iliya mint
AE Fals
SICA I 731
20 x 17 mm.
2.12 gm.
Die position=5h
Obverse: Standing figure in Arab dress; muhammad rasul allah "Muhammad is the Prophet of God"
Reverse: Large 'm'; iliya filistin

Ludd Uncertain Mint

The Standing Caliph Coinage: Muhammad Types: Jazira Harran Al-Ruha Uncertain Mint

The Standing Caliph Coinage: Standard Types: Anonymous Issues with Religious Legends Both Sides Damascus Amman

The Standing Caliph Coinage: Standard Types: Standing Caliph with Title only: Qinnasrin Jund

Ma'arrat Misrin
Ma'arrat Misrin mint (?)
AE Fals
SICA I 675 (?)
18 x 20 mm.
2.39 gm.
Die position=6h
Obverse: Standing caliph.
Reverse: Φ on four steps.

Manbij Sarmin

The Standing Caliph Coinage: Standard Types: Standing Caliph with Title and Name: Damascus Jund Damascus Amman

Baalbek mint
AE Fals
SICA I 608-614 type var.
15 mm.
3.19 gm.
Die position=4h
Obverse: Standing caliph; ✸ in right field.
Reverse: Φ on steps.

The Standing Caliph Coinage: Standard Types: Standing Caliph with Title and Name: Hims Jund

Hims mint
AE Fals
SICA I 689-694 type
21 x 18 mm.
2.41 gm.
Die position=1h
Obverse: Standing caliph.
Reverse: Φ on four steps; ✸ in left field.

Hims mint
AE Fals
SICA I 689-694 type
22 x 19 mm.
3.62 gm.
Die position=4h
Obverse: Standing caliph.
Reverse: Φ on four steps; ✸ in left field.

The Standing Caliph Coinage: Standard Types: Standing Caliph with Title and Name: Qinnasrin Jund Qinnasrin

Halab mint
AE Fals
SICA I 608-614 type; Bone 1.2 type
18 x 20 mm.
2.65 gm.
Die position=9h
Obverse: Standing caliph.
Reverse: Φ on three steps.

Halab mint
AE Fals
SICA I 608-614 type
18 x 19 mm.
3.06 gm.
Die position=10h
Obverse: Standing Caliph.
Reverse: Φ on three steps.

Jibrin Manbij Qurus Sarmin Tanukh Uncertain Mints


The Persian Occupation (618-630)

AE Fals
SICA I -; Foss -
13 x 14 mm.
1.03 gm.
Die position=6h
Obverse: Crude bust right.
Reverse: I ☩ B. In exergue: ΑΛΕΞ

AE Fals
SICA I -; Foss -
13 mm.
0.84 gm.
Die position=6h
Obverse: Crude bust right.
Reverse: I ☩ B. In exergue: ΑΛΕΞ