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Gold coins of Heraclius Byzantine Emperor

October 5 610 through January 11 641

The founder of the greatest dynasty of all Byzantine rulers.  It the time of his accessession to the throne the empire was in ruins.  Through careful planning and usage of resources, Heraclius re-established the empire by 622 with the defeat of Khusru II.  He restored the Holy Cross in Jerusalem as a indication of his victory.  Through is military and financial gains, he laided the ground work for the many that came to follow him.


Two and a Half Solidus


W-1    DO-NA   Sear-728   Berk-NA    MIB-NA




W-1    DO-1    Sear-729   Berk-114   MIB-1a
W-2    DO-NA   Sear-729a  Berk-NA    MIB-1b
W-3    DO-NA   Sear-729b  Berk-NA    MIB-2
W-4    DO-2    Sear-730   Berk-NA    MIB-3
W-5    DO-NA   Sear-730a  Berk-NA    MIB-4
W-6    DO-3    Sear-731   Berk-115   MIB-5


W-7    DO-4    Sear-732   Berk-116   MIB-6a
W-8    DO-NA   Sear-NA    Berk-NA    MIB-6b


W-9    DO-NA   Sear-733   Berk-NA    MIB-7
W-10   DO-8    Sear-734   Berk-117   MIB-8a



W-11   DO-8j   Sear-734   Berk-118   MIB-8a3

Denomination - Solidus
Minted At - Constantinople (Even though there is some evidence now that these are from Cyprus/Jerusalem)
Reference Information - W11, S-734v, DOC-NA, Berk-118, MIB-8a3, R-NA, BMC-NA, BN-NA
Weight in Grams - 4.45g
Diameter - 21.3 mm
Die Axis - 180°
Accepted Striking Period - 613 - 616
Officinae - Z
Obverse Image - Facing busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine, wearing chlamys and elaborate crown with cross on top, Heraclius has a short beard and Heraclius Constantine has no beard and is smaller, a Cross between their heads and an exergual line below their busts
Reverse Image - Cross Potent on Four steps
Reverse Legend - VICTORIA-AVGUZ, CONOB in exergue
Die Quality - Fine, polished
Strike - Almost Complete, with double striking on reverse and slight weakness on right side of obverse
Flan Quality - Fine, 90% centered
Wear - Minimal, if any
Overall Condition Rating - Mint State (MS)
This Coin's Uniqueness - Noticeable double striking on reverse and  a slightly misshapen flan
Desirability - Medium
Rarity - Scarce (50 to 250 known)
Provenance - Purchased from Harlan Berk - June 1998
1999 Approximate Value (US $) - $750.00 - $1000.00


W-12   DO-NA   Sear-735   Berk-NA    MIB-8b
W-13   DO-9    Sear-736   Berk-NA    MIB-9



W-14   DO-10   Sear-737   Berk-119   MIB-10

Denomination - Solidus
Minted At - Constantinople (Even though there is some evidence now that these are from Cyprus/Jerusalem)
Reference Information - W14, S-737 var, DOC-10 var, Berk-119, MIB-10 var, R-NA, BMC-NA, BN-NA
Weight in Grams - 4.47g
Diameter - 21.4 mm
Die Axis - 190°
Accepted Striking Period - 613 - 616
Officinae - H
Obverse Image - Facing busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine, wearing chlamys and elaborate crown with cross on top, Heraclius has a short beard and Heraclius Constantine has no beard and is smaller, a Cross between their heads and an exergual line below their busts
Reverse Image - Cross Potent on four steps
Reverse Legend - VICTORIA-AVGUH, CONOB in exergue, with an I in right field
Die Quality - Fine, polished
Strike - Almost Complete, with slight weakness in lettering on right side of obverse (as normal)
Flan Quality - Fine, 95% centered
Wear - Minimal, if any
Overall Condition Rating - Mint State (MS)
This Coin's Uniqueness - Two light die lines between heads on obverse
Desirability - Medium
Rarity - Scarce (50 to 250 known)
Provenance - Purchased from Harlan Berk - June 1998
1999 Approximate Value (US $) - $750.00 - $1000.00


W-15   DO-13   Sear-738   Berk-120   MIB-11
W-16   DO-NA   Sear-738   Berk-NA    MIB-12
W-17   DO-14   Sear-739   Berk-121   MIB-14
W-18   DO-15   Sear-740   Berk-NA    MIB-16
W-19   DO-16   Sear-741   Berk-NA    MIB-20
W-20   DO-NA   Sear-741a  Berk-NA    MIB-13
W-21   DO-NA   Sear-741b  Berk-NA    MIB-15
W-22   DO-NA   Sear-741c  Berk-NA    MIB-NA
W-23   DO-NA   Sear-NA    Berk-NA    MIB-NA

Denomination - Solidus
Minted At - Constantinople
Reference Information - W23, S-NA, DOC-NA, Berk-NA, MIB-NA, R-NA, BMC-NA, BN-NA
Weight in Grams - 4.39g
Diameter - 21.2 mm
Die Axis - 185°
Accepted Striking Period - 613 - 616 (?)
Officinae - Retrograde S
Obverse Image - Facing busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine, wearing chlamys and elaborate crown with cross on top, Heraclius has a short beard and Heraclius Constantine has no beard and is smaller and a Cross between their heads
Reverse Image - Cross Potent on three steps
Reverse Legend - VICTORIA-AVGU(retrograde S), CONOB in exergue, with a doubled delta in right field
Die Quality - Fine
Strike - Almost Complete, with slight weakness in lettering of obverse (as normal)
Flan Quality - Fine, 95% centered
Wear - Minimal
Overall Condition Rating - Extra Fine (XF)
This Coin's Uniqueness - Doubled delta in right field
Desirability - High
Rarity - Extremely Rare (1 of 2 known, the other was sold at Sotheby's London auction on 03/23/1990 - different dies!)
Provenance - Purchased from Harlan Berk - November 1994
1999 Approximate Value (US $) - $1250.00 - $1500.00



W-24   DO-17   Sear-742   Berk-NA    MIB-19
W-25   DO-NA   Sear-742a  Berk-NA    MIB-17
W-26   DO-NA   Sear-742b  Berk-NA    MIB-18
W-27   DO-20   Sear-743   Berk-NA    MIB-21

Denomination - Solidus
Minted At - Constantinople
Reference Information - W27, S-743, DOC-20, Berk-NA, MIB-21, R-1355, BMC-NA, BN-25
Weight in Grams - 4.50g
Diameter - 19.4 mm
Die Axis - 180°
Accepted Striking Period - 625 - 629
Officinae - I
Obverse Image - Facing busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine, wearing chlamys and elaborate crown with cross on top, Heraclius has a short beard and Heraclius Constantine has no beard and is almost equal in size and a Cross between their heads
Reverse Image - Cross Potent on three steps
Reverse Legend - VICTORIA-AVGUZ, CONOB in exergue
Die Quality - Fine, high relief of portraits
Strike - Almost Complete, with slight weakness in lettering of reverse (much less than normal)
Flan Quality - Fine, 95% centered on elongated flan
Wear - Minimal, if any
Overall Condition Rating - Mint State (MS)
This Coin's Uniqueness - Several light die lines to the right of the Cross Potent on reverse field and a small dot just below the lower right serif of the Cross
Desirability - High
Rarity - Common (More than 250 known)
Provenance - Purchased from Ed Waddell On-Line Coin Auction #1 - March 2000
1999 Approximate Value (US $) - $350.00 - $500.00


W-28   DO-NA   Sear-NA    Berk-NA    MIB-22
W-29   DO-21   Sear-744   Berk-NA    MIB-23
W-30   DO-23   Sear-745   Berk-122   MIB-28
W-31   DO-22   Sear-746   Berk-NA    MIB-26



W-32   DO-24   Sear-747   Berk-NA    MIB-27a
W-33   DO-NA   Sear-NA    Berk-NA    MIB-27b
W-34   DO-25   Sear-748   Berk-NA   MIB-24
W-35   DO-NA   Sear-748a  Berk-NA    MIB-25
W-36   DO-26   Sear-749   Berk-123   MIB-29

Denomination - Solidus
Minted At - Constantinople
Reference Information - W36, S-749, DOC-26, Berk-123, MIB-29, R-1369, BMC-39, BN-30
Weight in Grams - 4.47g
Diameter - 20.5 mm
Die Axis - 180°
Accepted Striking Period - 629 - 632
Officinae - Z
Obverse Image - Facing busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine, wearing chlamys and elaborate crown with cross on circlet, Heraclius has a long beard with whiskers and Heraclius Constantine has slight beard, usually made of dots and is equal in size and a Cross between their heads
Reverse Image - Cross Potent on three steps
Reverse Legend - VICTORIA-AVGUZ, CONOB in exergue
Die Quality - Fine, polished
Strike - Almost Complete, with slight weakness of obverse legends
Flan Quality - Fine, 95% centered
Wear - Minimal, if any
Overall Condition Rating - Mint State (MS)
This Coin's Uniqueness - Die crack that runs through 'B' of CONOB on reverse
Desirability - High
Rarity - Common (More than 250 known)
Provenance - Purchased from Jonathan Kern - October 1999
1999 Approximate Value (US $) - $400.00 - $500.00


W-37   DO-NA   Sear-NA    Berk-NA    MIB-30
W-38   DO-27   Sear-750   Berk-NA    MIB-31
W-39   DO-28   Sear-753   Berk-NA    MIB-33
W-40   DO-29   Sear-756   Berk-NA    MIB-34
W-41   DO-30a  Sear-752   Berk-124   MIB-35
W-42   DO-30b  Sear-751   Berk-NA    MIB-37a

Denomination - Solidus
Minted At - Constantinople
Reference Information - W42, S-751, DOC-30b, Berk-NA, MIB-37a, R-NA, BMC-NA, BN-NA
Weight in Grams - 4.48g
Diameter - 19.3 mm
Die Axis - 180°
Accepted Striking Period - 629 - 632
Officinae - S
Obverse Image - Facing busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine, wearing chlamys and elaborate crown with cross on circlet, Heraclius has a long beard with whiskers and Heraclius Constantine has slight beard, usually made of dots and is equal in size and a Cross between their heads
Reverse Image - Cross Potent on three steps
Reverse Legend - VICTORIA-AVGUZ, CONOB in exergue, with a K in the right field
Die Quality - Fine, polished
Strike - As Complete as this issue gets
Flan Quality - Fine, 95% centered
Wear - None
Overall Condition Rating - Mint State (FDC)
This Coin's Uniqueness - Small planchet flake at 1 o'clock on reverse rim
Desirability - Medium
Rarity - Scarce (50 to 250 known)
Provenance - Purchased from Malter Galleries - December 1996
1999 Approximate Value (US $) - $450.00 - $600.00


W-43   DO-NA   Sear-NA    Berk-NA    MIB-37b
W-44   DO-30d  Sear-755   Berk-NA    MIB-36
W-45   DO-31   Sear-754   Berk-NA    MIB-32
W-46   DO-32   Sear-757   Berk-NA    MIB-38
W-47   DO-33   Sear-758   Berk-125   MIB-39

Denomination - Solidus
Minted At - Constantinople
Reference Information - W47, S-758, DOC-33, Berk-125, MIB-39, R-1487, BMC-47, BN-36
Weight in Grams - 4.47g
Diameter - 20.5 mm
Die Axis - 180°
Accepted Striking Period - 632 - 635
Officinae - S
Obverse Image - Standing figures of Heraclonas (left), Heraclius (center) and Heraclius Constantine (right).  Heraclius is the larger figure with Heraclonas much smaller in size.  Heraclius has a long beard with whiskers and his sons are beardless.  All wear chlamys and hold a globus with cross on left.  Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine are crowned, but Heraclonas is not. There is a cross above Heraclonas.
Obverse Legend - None
Reverse Image - Cross Potent on three steps
Reverse Legend - VICTORIA-AVGUZ, CONOB in exergue, monogram in right field
Die Quality - Fine, polished obverse, rusted reverse
Strike - 95% Complete
Flan Quality - Fine, 95% centered
Wear - Minimal, if any
Overall Condition Rating - Mint State (MS)
This Coin's Uniqueness - Significant die rust on reverse with heavy areas in the left field of the reverse
Desirability - High
Rarity - Common (More than 250 known)
Provenance - Purchased from Ed Waddell On-Line Coin Auction #1 - March 2000
1999 Approximate Value (US $) - $350.00 - $500.00


W-48   DO-34   Sear-759   Berk-NA    MIB-40
W-49   DO-35   Sear-760   Berk-NA    MIB-41
W-50   DO-36   Sear-761   Berk-NA    MIB-42

Denomination - Solidus
Minted At - Constantinople
Reference Information - W50, S-761, DOC-36, Berk-NA, MIB-42, R-1492, BMC-51, BN-46
Weight in Grams - 4.45g
Diameter - 19.4 mm
Die Axis - 178°
Accepted Striking Period - 636 - 637
Officinae - R
Obverse Image - Standing figures of Heraclonas (left), Heraclius (center) and Heraclius Constantine (right).  Heraclius is the larger figure with his two sons almost equal in size.  Heraclius has a long beard with whiskers and his sons are beardless.  All wear chlamys and hold a globus with cross on left.  Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine are crowned, but Heraclonas is not. There is a cross above Heraclonas.
Obverse Legend - None
Reverse Image - Cross Potent on three steps
Reverse Legend - VICTORIA-AVGUZ, CONOB in exergue, monogram in left field and an I in right field
Die Quality - Fine, polished
Strike - Almost Complete
Flan Quality - Fine, 90% centered
Wear - Minimal, if any
Overall Condition Rating - Mint State (MS)
This Coin's Uniqueness - Die break above Heraclius Constantine that joins crown with rim on obverse
Desirability - Medium
Rarity - Common (More than 250 known)
Provenance - Purchased from Spinks & Sons - March 1998
1999 Approximate Value (US $) - $450.00 - $600.00



W-51   DO-37   Sear-762   Berk-NA    MIB-43

Denomination - Solidus
Minted At - Constantinople
Reference Information - W51, S-762, DOC-37, Berk-NA, MIB-43, R-1493, BMC-57, BN-49
Weight in Grams - 4.46g
Diameter - 19.6 mm
Die Axis - 185°
Accepted Striking Period - 636 - 637
Officinae - (Theta) (Unrecorded officinae)
Obverse Image - Standing figures of Heraclonas (left), Heraclius (center) and Heraclius Constantine (right).  Heraclius is the larger figure with his two sons almost equal in size.  Heraclius has a long beard with whiskers and his sons are beardless.  All wear chlamys and hold a globus with cross on left.  Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine are crowned, but Heraclonas is not. There is a cross above Heraclonas.
Obverse Legend - None
Reverse Image - Cross Potent on three steps
Reverse Legend - VICTORIA-AVGU(Theta), CONOB+ in exergue, monogram in left field and an I in right field
Die Quality - Fine, polished
Strike - Almost Complete
Flan Quality - Fine, 95% centered
Wear - Minimal, if any
Overall Condition Rating - Mint State (MS)
This Coin's Uniqueness - Die line to the right top of the Cross Potent in reverse field
Desirability - Medium
Rarity - Scarce (50 to 250 known)
Provenance - Purchased from Spinks & Sons - March 1998
1999 Approximate Value (US $) - $450.00 - $600.00


W-52   DO-38   Sear-763   Berk-NA    MIB-44
W-53   DO-39   Sear-764   Berk-NA    MIB-45



W-54   DO-NA   Sear-765   Berk-NA    MIB-46
W-55   DO-40   Sear-766   Berk-NA    MIB-47
W-56   DO-41   Sear-767   Berk-126   MIB-48



W-57   DO-42   Sear-768   Berk-NA    MIB-49
W-58   DO-43   Sear-769   Berk-NA    MIB-50



W-59   DO-NA   Sear-769a  Berk-NA    MIB-51
W-60   DO-44   Sear-770   Berk-NA    MIB-53



W-61   DO-45   Sear-771   Berk-NA    MIB-52



W-62   DO-203  Sear-866   Berk-NA    MIB-83a
W-63   DO-202  Sear-866   Berk-NA    MIB-83b
W-64   DO-NA   Sear-866   Berk-NA    MIB-91
W-65   DO-204  Sear-867   Berk-132   MIB-84a

Denomination - Solidus
Minted At - Carthage
Reference Information - W65, S-867 var, DOC-204, Berk-132, MIB-84a, R-1371, BMC-324, BN-3
Weight in Grams - 4.40g
Diameter - 11.6 mm
Die Axis - 182°
Accepted Striking Period - 615 - 616
Officinae - (Delta - Indictional)
Obverse Image - Facing busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine, wearing chlamys and elaborate crown with cross on top, Heraclius has a short beard and Heraclius Constantine has no beard and is smaller and a Cross between their heads
Obverse Legend - DNERACLIOETERACONSTPP (on these small coins it is sometimes impossible to read the obverse legend)
Reverse Image - Cross Potent on two steps
Reverse Legend - VICTORIAAGG(Delta), CONOB in exergue
Die Quality - Fine
Strike - Almost Complete, (especially considering the series)
Flan Quality - Fine, 85% centered
Wear - Minimal, if any
Overall Condition Rating - Mint State (MS)
This Coin's Uniqueness - Encrustations around Cross Potent
Desirability - High
Rarity - Common (More than 250 known)
Provenance - Purchased from Jean Vinchon May 1998 Sale, Lot 197 - May 1998
1999 Approximate Value (US $) - $450.00 - $600.00


W-66   DO-NA   Sear-867   Berk-NA    MIB-84b



W-67   DO-NA   Sear-867   Berk-NA    MIB-85
W-68   DO-220  Sear-867   Berk-NA    MIB-86



W-69   DO-221  Sear-867   Berk-NA    MIB-87a
W-70   DO-NA   Sear-867   Berk-NA    MIB-87b
W-71   DO-225  Sear-867   Berk-NA    MIB-88
W-72   DO-NA   Sear-867   Berk-NA    MIB-89
W-73   DO-227b Sear-867   Berk-136   MIB-90
W-74   DO-215  Sear-867   Berk-NA    MIB-92a
W-75   DO-NA   Sear-867   Berk-NA    MIB-92b



W-76   DO-NA   Sear-925a  Berk-NA    MIB-75v
W-77   DO-NA   Sear-925b  Berk-NA    MIB-75



W-78   DO-186  Sear-850   Berk-NA    MIB-76



W-79   DO-187  Sear-851   Berk-NA    MIB-77a
W-80   DO-188a Sear-852   Berk-129   MIB-77b

Denomination - Solidus
Minted At - Jerusalem/Cyprus
Reference Information - W80, S-852a, DOC-188a, Berk-129, MIB-77, R-1379, BMC-NA, BN-3
Weight in Grams - 4.46g
Diameter - 22.3 mm
Die Axis - 195°
Accepted Striking Period - 622 - 627
Officinae - IN
Obverse Image - Facing busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine, wearing chlamys and elaborate crown with cross on top, Heraclius has a short beard and Heraclius Constantine has no beard and is smaller and a Cross between their heads
Reverse Image - Cross Potent on three steps
Reverse Legend - VICTORIA-AVGUA, CONOB in exergue
Die Quality - Superb, polished
Strike - Complete
Flan Quality - Superb, 100% centered
Wear - None
Overall Condition Rating - Mint State (FDC)
This Coin's Uniqueness - Flatness of rim on reverse at 4 o'clock
Desirability - Medium
Rarity - Scarce (50 to 250 known)
Provenance - Purchased from Munzauktion Tkalec AG October 1996 Sale, Lot 321 - October 1996
1999 Approximate Value (US $) - $1250.00 - $1500.00


W-81   DO-NA   Sear-852a  Berk-NA    MIB-78



W-82   DO-NA   Sear-894   Berk-NA    MIB-108a
W-83   DO-NA   Sear-894   Berk-NA    MIB-108b
W-84   DO-270  Sear-895   Berk-NA    MIB-109a
W-85   DO-NA   Sear-895   Berk-NA    MIB-109b
W-86   DO-271  Sear-896   Berk-137   MIB-110a
W-87   DO-NA   Sear-896   Berk-NA    MIB-110b
W-88   DO-NA   Sear-896   Berk-NA    MIB-110c
W-89   DO-NA   Sear-896   Berk-NA    MIB-110d
W-90   DO-NA   Sear-896a  Berk-NA    MIB-111
W-91   DO-NA   Sear-896b  Berk-NA    MIB-112
W-92   DO-272  Sear-897   Berk-NA    MIB-113a



W-93   DO-NA   Sear-897   Berk-NA    MIB-113b
W-94   DO-NA   Sear-897   Berk-NA    MIB-113c
W-95   DO-NA   Sear-897   Berk-NA    MIB-113d
W-96   DO-273  Sear-898   Berk-NA    MIB-114a
W-97   DO-NA   Sear-898   Berk-NA    MIB-114b
W-98   DO-NA   Sear-898   Berk-NA    MIB-114c
W-99   DO-NA   Sear-898   Berk-NA    MIB-114d
W-100  DO-NA   Sear-898a  Berk-NA    MIB-115a
W-101  DO-NA   Sear-898a  Berk-NA    MIB-115b
W-102  DO-NA   Sear-898a  Berk-NA    MIB-115c
W-103  DO-NA   Sear-898a  Berk-NA    MIB-115d
W-104  DO-NA   Sear-898a  Berk-NA    MIB-115e
W-105  DO-NA   Sear-898b  Berk-NA    MIB-116a
W-106  DO-NA   Sear-898b  Berk-NA    MIB-116b



W-107  DO-NA   Sear-928   Berk-NA    MIB-107a
W-108  DO-NA   Sear-929   Berk-NA    MIB-107b



W-W-109  DO-NA   Sear-881a  Berk-NA    MIB-97
W-110  DO-NA   Sear-881b  Berk-NA    MIB-98
W-111  DO-NA   Sear-881c  Berk-NA    MIB-101
W-112  DO-NA   Sear-881d  Berk-NA    MIB-102
W-113  DO-NA   Sear-881e  Berk-NA    MIB-103



W-W-114  DO-NA   Sear-822   Berk-NA    MIB-81
W-115  DO-186b Sear-822a  Berk-NA    MIB-82a
W-116  DO-NA   Sear-822a  Berk-84    MIB-82b


Light Weight Solidus - 23 Siliquae


W-1    DO-5    Sear-772   Berk-NA    MIB-54
W-2    DO-NA   Sear-772a  Berk-NA    MIB-NA
W-3    DO-11   Sear-773   Berk-NA    MIB-55
W-4    DO-NA   Sear-773a  Berk-NA    MIB-56
W-5    DO-NA   Sear-773b  Berk-NA    MIB-57


Light Weight Solidus - 22 Siliquae


W-1    DO-6    Sear-774   Berk-NA    MIB-58
W-2    DO-12   Sear-775   Berk-NA    MIB-59
W-3    DO-NA   Sear-775a  Berk-NA    MIB-60
W-4    DO-46   Sear-776   Berk-NA    MIB-61


Light Weight Solidus - 20 Siliquae


W-1    DO-7    Sear-777   Berk-NA    MIB-63
W-2    DO-NA   Sear-777a  Berk-NA    MIB-62

Denomination - 20 Siliquae
Minted At - Constantinople
Reference Information - W2, S-777a, DOC-NA, Berk-NA, MIB-62, R-NA, BMC-NA, BN-NA
Weight in Grams - 3.58g
Diameter - 20.6 mm
Die Axis - 190°
Accepted Striking Period - 610 - 613
Officinae - E
Obverse Image - Facing bust of Heraclius, with short beard, draped and cuirassed, wearing plumed helmet, hold cross on left
Reverse Image - Cross Potent on two steps
Reverse Legend - VICTORIA-AVGUE, OBXX in exergue
Die Quality - Superior, polished, (Same reverse die as Hunt 236, but this is much finer)
Strike - Complete
Flan Quality - Excellent, 99% centered
Wear - None
Overall Condition Rating - Mint State (FDC)
This Coin's Uniqueness - Reverse die line to left of Cross by R of Victoria
Desirability - Medium
Rarity - Extremely Rare (2 to5 known) (2 known, this is the finest)
Provenance - Purchased from Harlan Berk - March 1998
1999 Approximate Value (US $) - $4000.00 - $4500.00


W-3    DO-18   Sear-778   Berk-NA    MIB-64
W-4    DO-19   Sear-779   Berk-NA    MIB-65
W-5    DO-47   Sear-780   Berk-NA    MIB-66
W-6    DO-48   Sear-781   Berk-NA    MIB-67
W-7    DO-49   Sear-782   Berk-NA    MIB-68
W-8    DO-50   Sear-783   Berk-NA    MIB-69




W-1    DO-51   Sear-784   Berk-NA    MIB-70
W-2    DO-NA   Sear-784   Berk-127   MIB-71

Denomination - Semissis
Minted At - Constantinople
Reference Information - W2, S-784var, DOC-NA, Berk-127, MIB-71b, R-1284, BMC-85, BN-80
Weight in Grams - 2.20g
Diameter - 18.5 mm
Die Axis - 185°
Accepted Striking Period - 610 - 613
Officinae - NA
Obverse Image - Bust of Heralius facing right (beardless), diademed, draped and cuirassed
Obverse Legend - DNHERACL-IUSPAV
Reverse Image - Cross Potent on Globus
Reverse Legend - VICTORIAAVGUS
Die Quality - Superb
Strike - Complete
Flan Quality - Excellant, 100% centered
Wear - None
Overall Condition Rating - Mint State (FDC)
This Coin's Uniqueness - Small ripple on obverse flan at 7 o'clock
Desirability - Medium
Rarity - Scarce to Rare (20 to 50 known)
Provenance - Purchased from Leu Sale 77, Lot 808 - May 2000
1999 Approximate Value (US $) - $400.00 - $600.00


W-3    DO-52   Sear-785   Berk-NA    MIB-72

Denomination - Semissis
Minted At - Constantinople
Reference Information - W3, S-785, DOC-52, Berk-NA, MIB-72, R-1284, BMC-85, BN-80
Weight in Grams - 2.20g
Diameter - 16.7 mm
Die Axis - 180°
Accepted Striking Period - 613 - 641
Officinae - S
Obverse Image - Bust of Heralius facing right (beardless), diademed, draped and cuirassed
Reverse Image - Cross Potent on Globus
Reverse Legend - VICTORIAAVGUS
Die Quality - Fine, a little die rust on obverse
Strike - Almost Complete
Flan Quality - Fine, 85% centered
Wear - Minimal, if any
Overall Condition Rating - Mint State (MS)
This Coin's Uniqueness - Die rust on face in right field of obverse
Desirability - High
Rarity - Common (More than 250 known)
Provenance - Purchased from Craig Rose - January 1996
1999 Approximate Value (US $) - $250.00 - $300.00


W-4    DO-NA   Sear-NA    Berk-NA    MIB-NA



W-5    DO-NA   Sear-NA    Berk-NA    MIB-NA



W-W-6    DO-230  Sear-868   Berk-NA    MIB-94
W-7    DO-NA   Sear-868   Berk-NA    MIB-95



W-W-8    DO-NA   Sear-930   Berk-NA    MIB-79

Denomination - Semissis
Minted At - Cyprus?
Reference Information - W7, S-930, DOC-NA, Berk-NA, MIB-79, R-NA, BMC-NA, BN-1
Weight in Grams - 2.14g
Diameter - 17.6 mm
Die Axis - 190°
Accepted Striking Period - 613 - 641
Officinae - S
Obverse Image - Bust of Heralius facing right (beardless), diademed, draped and cuirassed 
Reverse Image - P-headed Cross Potent on Globus
Reverse Legend - VICTORIAAVGUS
Die Quality - Fine, polished
Strike - Almost Complete, with weakness on reverse legend from 2 o'clock to 4 o'clock
Flan Quality - Fine, 60% centered
Wear - Minimal, if any
Overall Condition Rating - Mint State (MS)
This Coin's Uniqueness - Obverse only centered about 60%
Desirability - Medium
Rarity - Extremely Rare (2 to 5 known) (I only know of 4 pieces, my other piece is finer)
Provenance - Ex. Dr. Guy Lacam Collection, Ex. NFA Auction XVIII, Lot760, Purchased from Stack's Coin Galleries December 1997 Sale, Lot 436 - December 1997
1999 Approximate Value (US $) - $750.00 - $1000.00





W-W-9    DO-274  Sear-899   Berk-NA    MIB-117
W-10    DO-NA   Sear-899a      MIB-118
W-11    DO-NA   Sear-899b  Berk-NA    MIB-119
W-12   DO-NA   Sear-899c  Berk-NA    MIB-120
W-13   DO-NA   Sear-899d  Berk-NA    MIB-121
W-14   DO-NA   Sear-899e  Berk-NA    MIB-122
W-15   DO-NA   Sear-899f  Berk-NA    MIB-123



W-16   DO-NA   Sear-881f  Berk-NA    MIB-104





W-1    DO-53a  Sear-786   Berk-128   MIB-73a



W-2    DO-53b  Sear-786   Berk-NA    MIB-73b



W-3    DO-54   Sear-787   Berk-NA    MIB-74



W-4    DO-312  Sear-927   Berk-NA    MIB-NA



W-5    DO-NA   Sear-NA    Berk-NA    MIB-79
W-6    DO-NA   Sear-931   Berk-NA    MIB-80
W-7    DO-NA   Sear-NA    Berk-NA    MIB-NA






W-8    DO-275  Sear-900   Berk-NA    MIB-124

Denomination - Tremissis
Minted At - Ravenna
Reference Information - W8, S-900, DOC-275, Berk-NA, MIB-124, R-1287, BMC-91, BN-82
Weight in Grams - 1.47g
Diameter - 15.8 mm
Die Axis - 170°
Accepted Striking Period - 610 - 613
Officinae - NA
Obverse Image - Bust of Heralius facing right (beardless), diademed with small cross on top, draped and cuirassed 
Reverse Image - Cross Potent 
Reverse Legend - VICTORIHERACLIAVG, CONOB in exergue
Die Quality - Fine
Strike - Almost Complete
Flan Quality - Fine, 95% centered
Wear - Minimal
Overall Condition Rating - Extra Fine (XF+)
This Coin's Uniqueness - Flan protrustion at 12 o'clock on obverse
Desirability - Medium
Rarity - Scarce (50 to 250 known)
Provenance - Purchased from Jean Elsen Auction 57, Lot 2001 - March 1999
1999 Approximate Value (US $) - $600.00 - $750.00


W-9    DO-276  Sear-902   Berk-NA    MIB-125
W-10    DO-NA   Sear-901   Berk-NA    MIB-126
W-11    DO-NA   Sear-902a  Berk-NA    MIB-127



W-12   DO-52c  Sear-881g  Berk-NA    MIB-99
W-13   DO-NA   Sear-881h  Berk-NA    MIB-100
W-14   DO-NA   Sear-881i  Berk-NA    MIB-105
W-15   DO-NA   Sear-881j  Berk-NA    MIB-106


Unknown Italian Mint

W-16   DO-NA   Sear-NA    p;   MIB-X6