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All collections » Notgeld coins » Alten and Olpe


Alten and Olpe notgeld coins collection online

Chamber of Commerce in Altena and Olpe


Denomination: 10 pfennig
Year indicated on the coin: 1918
Metal: iron
Diameter: Type of edge:
Mutual position of obverse and reverse: medal (0°)
Signs on the coin: no
Approximate price: from 2 to 7 euro
Additional information: written on the left scan : Chamber of Commerce Altena-Olpe; shown on the right scan



Denomination: 50 pfennig
Year indicated on the coin: 1918
Metal: iron
Diameter: 23.0 mm.
Edge type: ribbed
Mutual position of obverse and reverse: medal (0°)
Signs on the coin: no
Approximate price : from 2 to 6 euro