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All collections » Notgeld coins » Amberg


Amberg notgeld coins collection online

City of Amberg (Free State of Bavaria)


Denomination: 10 pfennigs
Year indicated on the coin: undated
Metal: zinc
Diameter: Type of edge: smooth
Mutual position of obverse and reverse: medal (0°)
Signs on the coin: none
Approximate price:
Additional information: on the left scan above the face value is written: valid only in Amberg, at face value - money substitute; shown on the right scan



Denomination: 25 pfennigs
Year indicated on the coin: 1921 Material: ceramics (stone mass)
Diameter: 23.0 mm.
Edge type: smooth
Mutual position of obverse and reverse: medal (0°)
Signs on the coin: the emblem of the Meissen porcelain manufactory of the period 1815-1923.
Approximate price:
Additional information: - the clock on the tower is depicted in a small size and is almost not clearly drawn; - opening in the tower - round; notgeld dedicated to the 500th anniversary



Denomination: 25 pfennigs
Year indicated on the coin: 1921 Material: ceramics (stone mass)
Diameter: 24.0 mm.
Edge type: smooth
Mutual position of obverse and reverse: medal (0°)
Signs on the coin: the emblem of the Meissen porcelain manufactory of the period 1815-1923.
Approximate price: from 10 to 20 euro
Additional information: - slightly larger diameter notgeld; - opening in the tower - oval; - the clock on the tower is depicted in a larger size; - the width of the opening under the clock on the tower is less than above them



Denomination: 25 pfennigs
Year indicated on the coin: 1921 Material: ceramics (stone mass)
Diameter: 25.0 mm.
Edge type: smooth
Mutual position of obverse and reverse: medal (0°)
Signs on the coin: the emblem of the Meissen porcelain manufactory of the period 1815-1923.
Approximate price: 8 euro
Additional information: - larger diameter notgeld; - the width of the opening under the clock on the tower is the same as above them; - the stars on the sides of the tower are shown a little lower and not so large; St. Martin's Church is depicted on the notgeld (more photo)