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Eisenach notgeld coins collection online

City of Eisenach (Free State of Thuringia)


Denomination: 1 Mark
Year indicated on the coin: undated Material: ceramics (stone mass)
Diameter: 30.0 mm.
Edge type: smooth
Mutual position of obverse and reverse: medal (0°)
Signs on the coin: the emblem of the Meissen porcelain manufactory of the period 1815-1923.
Approximate price: 100 euro
Additional information: notgeld issued in 1921



Denomination: 1 Mark
Year indicated on the coin: undated Material: ceramics (stone mass)
Diameter: 34.0 mm.
Edge type: smooth
Mutual position of obverse and reverse: medal (0°)
Signs on the coin: the emblem of the Meissen porcelain manufactory of the period 1815-1923.
Approximate price:
Additional information: notgeld issued in 1921; on the left of his scan is the founder of Lutheranism - Martin Luther (years of life 1483-1546), on the right - a symbol of Lutheranism, the so-called "Luther's rose"



Denomination: 1 Mark
Year indicated on the coin: undated Material: ceramics (stone mass)
Diameter: 32.0 mm.
Edge type: smooth
Mutual position of obverse and reverse: medal (0°)
Signs on the coin: the emblem of the Meissen porcelain manufactory of the period 1815-1923.
Approximate price: 15 euro
Additional information: slightly smaller diameter notgeld



Denomination: 1 Mark
Year indicated on the coin: undated Material: ceramics (stone mass)
Diameter: 32.0 mm.
Edge type: smooth
Mutual position of obverse and reverse: medal (0°)
Signs on the coin: the emblem of the Meissen porcelain manufactory of the period 1815-1923.
Approximate price: from 20 euro
Additional information: the notgeld has a golden border



Denomination: 1 Mark
Year indicated on the coin: undated Material: ceramics (stone mass)
Diameter: 32.0 mm.
Edge type: smooth
Mutual position of obverse and reverse: medal (0°)
Signs on the coin: the emblem of the Meissen porcelain manufactory of the period 1815-1923.
Approximate price: 90-100 euro
Additional information: the notgeld has a silver edging, and the "Rose Luthar" - white



Denomination: 2 marks
Year indicated on the coin: undated Material: ceramics (stone mass)
Diameter: 29.0 mm.
Edge type: smooth
Mutual position of obverse and reverse: medal (0°)
Signs on the coin: the emblem of the Meissen porcelain manufactory of the period 1815-1923. Estimated price: 100 euro
Additional information: notgeld was issued in 1921 and is most likely dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the following events: 05/02/1521 Martin Luther delivers a sermon in the St. George Church of Eisenach, outlining his teaching and theological program (developed in 1520), after his speech in the Reichstag in April of the same year; 05/04/1521 Elector of Saxony Frederick III the Wise staged the kidnapping of Luther, spreading the rumor about his alleged death, and hides him under a false name in his Wartburg castle, which is located in the city of Eisenach; in this castle Luther lived incognito for about a year, after he was outlawed for refusing to recant his views; while in this castle, Luther translated the Bible into German in 11 weeks in 1521