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Stadtlengsfeld ceramic porcelain notgelds coins tokens

The coat of arms of Stadtlengsfeld shows the uncrowned Saint Margaret; The shield in her hand shows the coat of arms of Fulda Abbey.



Manufacturing: porcelain factory Stadtlengsfeld A.G.

25 Pfennig 1921

 24,0 brown Böttger stonewareg
Edition? R2 - Scheuch (50.000 -100.000 pcs.)
Scheuch 548a, Ringleb 121.1.1, Menzel 12758.1, Franke 185.1,

Photo: LANZ eBay

25 Pfennig 1921

 24,0 porcelain - gray
Edition? R2 - Scheuch (50.000 -100.000 pcs.)
Scheuch 548nI, Ringleb 121.1.2, Franke 185.4,


25 Pfennig 1921

 24,0 porcelain - grey-blue
Edition? R2 - Scheuch (50.000 -100.000 pcs.)
Scheuch 548nII, Ringleb 121.1.3, Menzel 12758.1, Franke 185.6,


Photo: eBay/2022/.....EUR

25 Pfennig 1921

 24,0 porcelain - powder blue

Photo: Frank Ringleb - Keramische Münzen T.3

25 Pfennig 1921

 24,0 lime green porcelain
Scheuch - x, Ringleb 121.1.5



Photo: Tempelhofer Münzenhaus 161/2020/85EUR

50 Pfennig without date (1921)

 26,0 brown Böttger stonewareg
Edition? R2- Scheuch (50.000 -100.000 pcs.)
Scheuch 549a, Ringleb 121.2.1, Menzel 12758.4, Franke 186.1,

Photo: LANZ Ebay

50 Pfennig without date (1921)

 26,0 porcelain - gray
Edition? R2- Scheuch (50.000 -100.000 pcs.)
Scheuch 549nI, Ringleb 121.2.2, Franke 186.4,

50 Pfennig without date (1921)

 26,0 porcelain - grey-blue
Edition? R2- Scheuch (50.000 -100.000 pcs.)
Scheuch 549nII, Ringleb 121.2.2, Franke 186.6,

Photo: eBay/2022/.....EUR

50 Pfennig without date (1921)

 26,0 porcelain - powder blue

Photo: Frank Ringleb - Keramische Münzen T.3

50 Pfennig without date (1921)

 26,0 lime green Keramik - PROBE
Av. as 4.1
Scheuch x, Ringleb 121.3.1


Photo: Tempelhofer Münzenhaus 161/2020/100EUR

1 Mark without date

26/26 brown Böttger stonewareg
Edition? R3 Scheuch (50.000 -100.000 pcs.)
Scheuch 550a, Ringleb 121.4.1, Menzel 12758.7, Franke 187.1,


1 Mark without date

 26/26 porcelain - gray
Edition? R3 Scheuch (50.000 -100.000 pcs.)
Scheuch 550nI, Ringleb 121.4.2, Franke 187.4,

1 Mark without date

26/26 porcelain - dark grey-brown blue
Edition? R3 Scheuch (50.000 -100.000 pcs.)
Scheuch 550nII, Ringleb 121.2.3, Franke 187.6,

Photo: eBay/2022/....EUR

1 Mark without date

 26/26 porcelain - powder blue

Photo: Tempelhofer Münzenhaus 161/2020/48EUR