History of Sogdiana Sogdiana is an ancient region of Central Asia, located in the basin of rivers Zaravshan and Kashkadarya (in modern territory of...
Category: Asian old coins
Coins of Jetisu (Semirechye) with images and descriptions
History of Semirechye Semirechye ("Seven Rivers") region is located on the territory of modern day Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. The name is derrived...
Coins of Khwarazm with images and descriptions
History of Khwarazm Khwarezm is an oasis in Central Asia, located in the lowlands of Amu-Darya (Oxus) on lands of its ancient and modern deltas on...
Coins of Ferghana with images and descriptions
History of Ferghana Ferghana. It’s a name commonly used to describe the Syr-Darya valley, closed in by the Tien Shan Mountains and extending for...
Chach coins catalog with images and descriptions
History of Chach coinage Chach. An ancient medieval state which lay in the Syrdarya River basin, centered around the Tashkent oasis. Mentioned as...