Coin with hole 5 centimes Belgium – all types
The holed 5 centime coin was issued in Belgium from copper-nickel alloy in 1901-1932. Two types of coins were minted throughout the period – with separate inscriptions in French and Flemish.
The side with the value designation (reverse)
A branch with leaves to the left of the central hole.
Inscription: “5 Ces” in French or “5 Cen” in Flemish.
The side with the name of the issuer (obverse)
The crowned monogram of King Leopold II (1901-1909) or Albert I (1909-1932) around the central hole.
Inscription: KONINKRIJK BELGIE in Flemish or ROYAUME DE BELGIQUE in French, date below.
Coin parameters
Weight (grams) – 2.50
Diameter (mm.) – 19.00
Thickness (mm.) – 1.21

Belgium 5 centimes 1920

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