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All collections » Notgeld coins » Porcelain notgelds » Bad Wildbad
coins substitutes made of majolica
Produced: majolica works in Gaildorf (Württemberg)
200 Mark (without denomination) 1923
42,0 white majolica
Rarity level according to Scheuch R3
Scheuch 586n, Franke 210.2
200 Mark (without denomination) 1923
40,0-42,0 black majolica
Rarity level according to Scheuch R3
Scheuch 586aIII, Franke 210.7
200 Mark 1923
40,0 -42,0 red majolica
Rarity level according to Scheuch R3
Scheuch 586a, Franke 210.1
Photo: Andreas Praefcke (Wikipedia)
The bas-relief shows the fleeing prince Eberhard II, who found refuge in Wildbad
in 1367 (This is the year when Wildbad received city rights
The author of the relief from 1859 is Hermann Heidel