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All collections  » Notgeld coins  » Porcelain notgelds  » Münsterberg - Ziębice

Münsterberg - Ziębice ceramic porcelain notgelds coins tokens


Manufacturing: State porcelain - Manufactory Meissen

Auction TM120/2008/45EUR, 70EUR

10 Pfennig without date (1921)

brown Böttger stoneware, Plaster mold
Scheuch 192a, Menzel 9837.1, Ringleb 23.1.1

eBay/2021/5EUR, Allegro/2021/20zł

10 Pfennig without date (1921)

 19 brown Böttger stoneware
Smooth dashed edge approx. 119 pieces
Scheuch 193a, Franke 120.1, Menzel 9837.3, Ringleb 23.11.1
Circulation 32.400 pcs.

Photo: Artur Szewczyk

Variant burned -

10 Pfennig without date (1921)

 19 dark grey-brown Böttger stoneware

Photo: paw_pio

Variant diameter

10 Pfennig without date (1921)

 18, 65 & 20, 50 brown Böttger stoneware

10 Pfennig without date (1921)

 19 brown Böttger stoneware
Dashed edge approx. 81 pieces
Scheuch 194a, Menzel 9837.3, Ringleb 23.12.1

Photo: Andreas Hoffmann
Auction Berlin TM120/2008/62EUR

20 Pfennig without date (1920)

 19 brown Böttger stoneware, Plaster mold
Scheuch 195a, Ringleb 23.2.1

20 Pfennig without date (1921)

 22 - brown Böttger stoneware
Scheuch 197a, Franke 121.1, Menzel 9837.6 Ringleb 23.13.1
Circulation 40.700 (Scheuch)


20 Pfennig without date (1921)

 22 - dark grey-brown Böttger stoneware

Auction Berlin TM120/2008/105EUR

25 Pfennig without date (1920)

 22, brown Böttger stoneware, Plaster mold
Scheuch x, Otto Horn 162, Ringleb 23.4.1 "round"5

25 Pfennig without date (1920)

 22, brown Böttger stoneware, Plaster mold
Scheuch 198a, Menzel 9837.7, Ringleb 23.3.1 "sickle-shaped"5

25 Pfennig without date (1921)

 24 brown Böttger stoneware
Scheuch 200a, Franke 122.1, Menzel 9837.9 plus Menzel 9837.10 Variant 26
Ringleb 23.14.1 Circulation 49.500

25 pfennig without date (1921)

 24, brown Böttger stoneware
with B between the ears, Scheuch 200aI, Ringleb 23.14.1B

Photo: Artur Szewczyk


25 Pfennig without date (1921)

 24 dark grey-brown Böttger stoneware

50 Pfennig without date (1920)

 24 brown Böttger stoneware Plaster mold
Scheuch 201a, Menzel 9837.11, Ringleb 23.5.1

Photo: 22 Auction WAG

50 Pfennig without date (1920)

 24 brown Böttger stoneware Plaster mold
As before, but with a split side tower window in the City coat of arms
Scheuch 202a, Menzel 9837.11 variant, Ringleb 23.6.1

50 Pfennig without date (1920)

 28 brown Böttger stoneware Plaster mold
as before, but with an additional vine over the putti's head
Reverse: + SCHLES + Scheuch 203a, Menzel 9837.12

Photo: Katalog Frank Ringleb T.1

50 Pfennig without date (1920)

 26 white porcelain Plaster mold
as before, but with an additional vine over the putti's head
Reverse: + SCHLES + Scheuch x, Ringleb 23.7.2

50 Pfennig without date (1920)

  28 brown Böttger stoneware Plaster mold
Scheuch 204a, Karl Ringleb 23.10.1

Reverse: + SCHLES +

50 Pfennig without date (1921)

 27-28 brown Böttger stoneware
Scheuch 205a, Franke 123.1, Menzel 9837.13
Circulation 42.400 (Scheuch)


50 Pfennig without date (1921)

 27, 8 dark grey-brown Böttger stoneware
Scheuch x,

Photo: Dmitry Kvartalnov


50 Pfennig without date (1921)

 27, 8 schwarze Böttger stoneware
Scheuch x,

Photo: 22 Auction WAG

1 Mark 1922

 28 brown Böttger stoneware Plaster mold
Scheuch 206a, Menzel 9837.15

1 Mark 1922

 28 brown Böttger stoneware Plaster mold, Edge gold plated
Scheuch 206b, Menzel 9837.16


1 Mark 1922

 28 brown Böttger stoneware Plaster mold
Obverse: triangle with two bundle rays each on the left and right side
Scheuch 207a,


1 Mark 1922

 28 - brown Böttger stoneware
Circulation 6.000 pcs.
Scheuch 208a, Franke 124.1, Menzel 9837.18

1 Mark 1922

 28 - brown Böttger stoneware, Edge gold plated
Scheuch 208b,

Photo: LANZ Ebay

1 Mark 1922

 28 - brown Böttger stoneware,
Edge with triangle and bundle rays gold
Scheuch 208d,

Photo: 22 Auction WAG

2 Mark 1922

 30 brown Böttger stoneware Plaster mold
Scheuch 209a, Menzel 9837.21

2 Mark 1922

 30 brown Böttger stoneware Plaster mold
Edge gold plated
Scheuch 209b,


2 Mark 1922

 30 brown Böttger stoneware Plaster mold
Obverse: triangle with two bundle rays each on the left and right side
Scheuch 210a,


2 Mark 1922

 30-31 brown Böttger stoneware
Circulation 5.500 pcs.
Scheuch 211a, Franke 125.1, Menzel 9837.24

2 Mark 1922

 30-31 brown Böttger stoneware, Edge gold plated
Scheuch 211b, Menzel 9837.25

2 Mark 1922

 brown Böttger stoneware
Edge with triangle and bundle rays gold
Scheuch 211d, Menzel 9837.26,


5 Mark 1922

 37 brown Böttger stoneware Plaster mold,
Scheuch 212a, Menzel 9837.27

5 Mark 1922

 37 brown Böttger stoneware Plaster mold,
Edge gold plated
Scheuch 212b, Menzel 9837.28


5 Mark 1922

 37 brown Böttger stoneware Plaster mold,
Obverse: triangle with two bundle rays each on the left and right side
Scheuch 213a, Menzel 9837.29


5 Mark without date (1921)

 36-37 brown Böttger stoneware
Circulation 5.100 pcs.
Scheuch 214a, Franke 126.1, Menzel 9837.30

5 Mark without date (1921)

 36-37 brown Böttger stoneware
Edge gold plated
Scheuch 214b, Menzel 9837.31,

5 Mark without date (1921)

 36-37 brown Böttger stoneware
Edge with triangle and bundle rays gold
Scheuch 214d

Photo:Artur Szewczyk

5 Mark without date (1921)

 36-37 brown Böttger stoneware
Edge with triangle and bundle rays and 5 gold
Scheuch 214e,

5 Mark without date (1921)

36-37 brown Böttger stoneware
Edge and bundle rays gold
Scheuch 214k?

Photo:Artur Szewczyk
TM berlin/2020/165EUR

10 Mark 1922

 42 brown Böttger stoneware Plaster mold
Scheuch 215a, Menzel 9837.33

10 Mark 1922

 42 brown Böttger stoneware Plaster mold
Edge gold plated
Scheuch 215b, Menzel 9837.34


10 Mark 1922

 42 brown Böttger stoneware Plaster mold
Scheuch 216a, Menzel 9837.35

eBay/2012/46EUR, eBay/2017/26EUR

10 Mark without date (1921)

 42 brown Böttger stoneware
Circulation 5.400 pcs.
Scheuch 217a, Franke 127.1, Menzel 9837.36

Photo: Artur Szewczyk

10 Mark without date (1921)

 42 dark grey-brown Böttger stoneware

Photo: Artur Szewczyk

10 Mark without date (1921)

 42 brown Böttger stoneware
Edge gold plated
Scheuch 217b, Menzel 9837.37

10 Mark without date (1921)

 42 brown Böttger stoneware
Edge and triangle with bundle rays gold
Scheuch 217d, Menzel 9837.38,

Photo: Auction Berlin

10 Mark without date (1921)

 42 brown Böttger stoneware
Edge and triangle with bundle rays gold and two six-rays Stars gold
Scheuch 217m?, Menzel 9837.?,

Photo: Artur Szewczyk eBay/2012/74EUR

10 Mark without date (1921)

 42 brown Böttger stoneware
Edge and triangle with bundle rays, 10 and two six-rays Stars gold
Scheuch 217e,

Photo: Auction Berlin

10 Mark without date (1921)

 42 brown Böttger stoneware
Edge and bundle rays gold
Scheuch 217k?, Menzel 9837.?,